- red bone marrow
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English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
red bone marrow — n BONE MARROW (b) … Medical dictionary
red bone marrow — noun bone marrow of children and some adult bones that is required for the formation of red blood cells • Syn: ↑red marrow • Hypernyms: ↑marrow, ↑bone marrow … Useful english dictionary
Bone marrow — Simplified illustration of cells in bone marrow. Latin medulla ossium Code TA … Wikipedia
bone marrow — marrow1 (def. 1). * * * or myeloid tissue Soft, gelatinous tissue that fills bone cavities. Red bone marrow contains stem cells, progenitor cells, percursor cells, and functional blood cells (see reticuloendothelial system). Lymphocytes mature in … Universalium
bone marrow — noun 1. the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑marrow • Hypernyms: ↑connective tissue • Hyponyms: ↑red marrow, ↑red bone marrow, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Bone marrow examination — Diagnostics A Wright s stained bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with leukemia. MeSH … Wikipedia
bone marrow — n a soft highly vascular modified connective tissue that occupies the cavities and cancellous part of most bones and occurs in two forms: a) a whitish or yellowish bone marrow consisting chiefly of fat cells and predominating in the cavities of… … Medical dictionary
Bone marrow suppression — or myelotoxicity (adjective myelotoxic) or myelosuppression, is the decrease in cells responsible for providing immunity, carrying oxygen, and those responsible for normal blood clotting [1] is a serious side effect of chemotherapy and certain… … Wikipedia
bone marrow — marrow the tissue contained within the internal cavities of the bones. At birth, these cavities are filled entirely with blood forming myeloid tissue (red marrow) but in later life the marrow in the limb bones is replaced by fat (yellow marrow).… … The new mediacal dictionary
bone marrow suppression — suppression of bone marrow activity, resulting in reduction in the number of platelets, red cells, and white cells, as in aplastic anemia or secondary to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It may also be induced intentionally prior to bone marrow … Medical dictionary
autologous bone marrow — In transplantation, refers to a person s own bone marrow. Bone marrow is the soft, sponge like tissue in the center of most large bones that produces white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets … English dictionary of cancer terms